The Home of the "New" 5is
Why Choose 5i?
In a world where simple challenges have clear answers, conventional decision-making tools—like PESTEL, SWOTs, Porter's 5 Forces & Balanced Scorecards —can work beautifully. They lead to neat solutions that fit nicely into spreadsheets or PowerPoint slides. The original "5i Strategic Planning Process" (Issues, Imagination, Intent, Innovation, Impact) was perfect for these straightforward scenarios—and it still is.
But let’s be real. Modern organizations rarely face simple challenges anymore. The terrain we navigate is complex, systemic, and sometimes border on the outright chaotic. When the problems and questions grow messy and confusing, the old tools fall short. Mining more data or crunching numbers only deepens frustration. Instead of clarity, we find ourselves stuck, facing mounting doubt, uncertainty and stress.
So, where should you turn when the answer isn’t in the data?
Turn to 5i.
We’ve reimagined the 5i Strategic Planning Process to meet today’s demands. The updated 5i framework—Intention, Immersion, Interlude ("Ma"), Insight, Iteration—is designed for a VUCA, RUPT or BANI world, whatever you may call it.
Click here to see a short video outlining the "Updated 5i's"
It is for times when you are operating in environments – or grappling with situations or problems - where it feels difficult to even define the real question never mind arrive at a solution. You just know the system as a whole is somehow “stuck” and no longer “fit-for-purpose”.
The new 5i process works to create a high-trust space where individuals and teams can step into the unknown, feel comfortable and safe and where, in a short period of time, emergent decisions, new perspectives or paths forward can materialize.
This revised 5i process means letting go of the need for instant answers, clarity and of the need to feel in control. It means casting aside outdated methods with which we are comfortable but that lead nowhere.
At 5i, we help you “leap across the decision-making chasm”
– a feat never to be attempted one small step-at a time -
You must “let go”, and jump!
In doing so, way’s forward reveal themselves, not through rigid logic, but by seeing what might just emerge in a carefully nurtured, innovative and generative environment.
As W. Brian Arthur, puts it:
“For the big, strategic, systemic decisions, you need to reach a deeper region of consciousness. Decision-making then becomes not about choosing but about letting an inner wisdom emerge. It requires time, patience, and courage. But once you hear that wisdom, decisions become easy.”
Suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, the mist clears and the path forward is revealed.
Ready to explore the new 5i approach?
Take the leap into emergent and transformative decision-making. Contact us today!
Strategic Assumptions
The Hidden, Yet Powerful Beliefs That Control Every Decision You Make
Why are Strategic Assumptions important?
"We simply assume that the way we see things is the way they really are or the way they should be. And our attitudes and behaviors grow out of these assumptions." - Stephen R. Covey from The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness
"People often form big assumptions in their lives and then seldom, if ever, examine them. They're woven into the very fabric of our lives. But only by bringing them into the light can people finally challenge their deepest beliefs and recognize why they're engaging in seemingly contradictory behavior." - Robert Kegan and Lisa Laskow Lahey from The Real Reason People Won't Change
"The ExCom members - the CEO, COO, CFO, CTO, and head of HR had grown tired of sitting through endless Powerpoint presentations that provided them few opportunities to challenge the business unit's assumptions or influence their strategies." - Michael Mankins from Stop Making Plans
What assumptions are you making about your life, your organization or your career that are fueling your decision-making? Are they well-founded, or totally off-base? How will you know?
How can you be assured that you are making the best decisions in an uncertain world?
This book offers practical strategies for making important decisions with greater clarity and confidence, regardless of the accuracy of your underlying assumptions.
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